December 11, 2008

Dearest Ignorant Ass White Lady,

Dearest Ignorant Ass White Lady,

Did the guy piss you off? Did he hurt your feelings?
Because now, I want to beat the sh*t out of you.
I can't really explain why...well, yea I can.

I want to beat your ass for everytime you ever SAID, THOUGHT &/or LAUGHED at the word NIGGER.
I want to beat your ass for being so damn ignorant & stupid.
I want to beat your ass because the dudes in the street didn't.
I want to beat your ass for everytime a white person looked at me crazy because of my gorgeous ass brown skintone & thought they were better than me. [FYI: You're not-in ANY way].

Besides the many other reasons I could list, I REALLY DO want to beat your ass.

Truthfully, I'm not upset about the ignorant sh*t you said.
I am just upset because so many of YOU PEOPLE are still alive still passing on that ignorant mentality.
Die already.
Its damn near TWO-THOUSAND & NINE.

PS: Is it true you were recruiting for Obama? ::Smh::


Anonymous said...


*takes off wig*

I'm mad as hell watching this, girl!!!!

I wanna go get her!!!:)

NAEROX* said...

SMH, no comment

Ran said...

WOOOOOOOOOOW!!!!! That's all I can say!!!