You Said [via twitter]:
"Something deeper than what you thought you were capable of"
"Something that displays the "I don't give a fuck" attitude
that was always present, but never showcased"
"...& something that will shock your mother, but make her call you a ROCK STAR."
"They ask why?? Lol... B/C I WOKE UP AND FELT LIKE IT!!! YEEEAHHH!!! LOL :)"
I said:
"I wonder if she donated that hair"
"Is she dropping an album soon or something?"
"Is that what "ROCKSTARS" do?"
"WTF is she going to do when that sh*t starts growing back?"
"Was she having a "Brittany Spears" moment?"
Like many-Im confused.
But at the end of the day, its your scalp & whatever
you want to do is your business.
I just thought you were so much prettier w/ a head full of hair.
I also agree with Fabolous, who said[via twitter]:
She a pretty girl, gorgeous hair.
goes 2 show u women r never satisfied".
2 comments: Cassie... she is on crack. FAB has spoken! lol
once again. i hate it.
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